
Mattanaw’s self-built and architected publication platform and collection of interdisciplinary works. His growing unified Masterwork.

Christopher Matthew Cavanaugh

Started December 12th 2018

Wednesday, September 1st, 2021,

Selfie Playing with the New iPad Pro


Messing with my new iPad Pro, after arriving back in Anchorage and finding it in my mailbox waiting for me.

It’s a big goofy iPhone. Reveals to me the world largely gave up on touch screens. However, there appears to be some good artsy applications, enabled by the Apple Pencil 2.

The FB app is plain broke on the iPad.

@mattanaw @mattaanaw.everywhere @mattanaw.travels

#alaska #anchorage #mail #mailgifts #waitingforme #ipadpro #applepencil2 #photoshop #illustrator #adobe #artpad

Sunday, August 29th, 2021

June Trip through Banff, Alberta, Canada.











These photos are from my recent trek from Vegas, where I purchased by Van, up to Alaska.

While passing through Canada, I ended up going through Banff!

Views from the Van, including from inside the Van, were quite scenic.

I had the feeling of being in a cockpit of sorts with clear views of the mountains and lakes found along the roadsides.

It’s my office and my backup living location, and the views are about as nice as I can have.

I would be tempted to remain at a location such as this, but I could not stay.

Covid rules on transit through Canada forced me to get through the entire country rapidly, and this time I made it back to Alaska in 4 days.

@mattanaw @mattanaw.everywhere

Sunday, August 3st, 2021

Jogging and Hiking in Sedona.



Just a jog and hike in Sedona.

Fantastic trails all around. Great spot to visit.

@mattanaw @mattanaw.everywhere @mattanaw.travels

Sunday, April 1st, 2021

Back in Sedona







Just today I arrived back in Sedona.

Sedona is one of those places that has scenery that is so amazing that there is little argument required to show it is a worthwhile spot to visit.

In keeping up my hobby of visiting remote schools, or schools in incredible locations, to play sports and use the facilities, I went to Sedona Red Rock High School.

Like in Summerlin, Nevada, near Vegas, there is a park here by the name “Red Rock”.

I began collecting photos of Post Offices and Schools at remote or scenic locations because of how interesting it is that people really have the chance to grow up and live in locations that are as visually spectacular as they are.

At Sedona Red Rock High School there was a very high quality playing field for football and soccer, and since I just bought new cleats and a ball while in Vegas, I thought it a good moment to play.

Soccer was my sport growing up, from a young age. I started when I was about 5 years old and finished when I was about 14, after I was cut from the Junior Varsity team tryouts, very unexpectedly. I was a good player, but just before I began playing I gained considerable weight, and was much chubbier than other players, who were also better positioned to be included on the team for political reasons (select team membership, which I was not allowed to play).

It’s been about 25 years since I seriously played. I started out rough, but am getting much better. I’m surprised that my skills are better than expected, as if I forgot I was as able as I am, and am recovering skills from a former life. I can do things I had no idea I could do.

Free facilities exist all over the nation, and if you are not sure what to do on vacation, an interesting thing to do is visit a school and use their fields and courts to enjoy a game.

@mattanaw @mattanaw.everywhere

#schools #remoteschools #schoolsinamazinglocations #sedona #sedonaredrock #arizona #soccer #sporting #sportsfields #nearlyfreefun #useafield #scenic #growingupwithscenery #anyonecanenjoyit

Wednesday, July 29th, 2021

Living at the Casinos Again.










Back in Vegas, living at the Casinos.

For now, the Palms, the Cromwell, and Vdara.

Enjoying good sights, nice boots again. Elegant rooms.

@mattanaw @mattanaw.everywhere

#vegas #anchorage #kona #hawaii #nevada #lasvegas #homes #homesthatarehomes #hotels #travellife #enjoyment #luxury #goodsights #elegantrooms #beautifulscenery #desert #shops #restaurants #goodtimes #lifeinvegas

Tuesday, July 20th, 2021

Airpod Max, Airpod Pro Combination








Yesterday on a whim while buying an Airpad Pro I picked up the Airpod Maxes.

They are easily the best headphones I ever owned.

They sound amazing, but very importantly they are comfortable. More comfortable than any headset I’ve had so far.

Noise cancellation works well. In conjunction with the Airpod Pros you can add additional noise cancellation.

I’ve done the same combination of Airpod Pros with my Bose Headset, but it’s better with the Airpod Max.

@mattanaw @mattanaw.everywhere

#apple #anchorage #alaska #palmer #wasilla #gear #airpod #airpodmax #airpodpro #noisecancellation #noisecancelcombo #spluge #unplannedapplesplurge

Monday, June 21st, 2021

My favorite profile picture is miniature.








A favorite profile picture vanished in its original form.

It now only exists in a reduced scale, as posting to one of the social sites, where it was converted to a thumbnail.

This was a first profile photo made with a straight face, rather than with a smile, for experimentation.

I chose it because I thought it was more pleasing to myself; I did not know what others might think.

I thought maybe I would receive a negative reaction, but I did not.

It’s still my favorite profile picture.

Looking at it again, I’m somewhat intrigued by exploded views of this smaller scale images.

It recalls those paintings that don’t look right close up, but look correct from a distance.

Similarly, only elements of the face are needed to capture emotional information, and a sense of who it is, and whether the face is pleasant or not.

Anyway, this also somewhat hearkens back to my days as a student of psychology, of human perception.

My head was shaved near bald, while living in Knoxville Tennessee, while working at Food Network, travelling weekly from Charlotte, North Carolina.

This was to save money, and to make life easier. It also alleviated some anxieties about early male pattern baldness, but it terminated maybe a half inch from where it was as a teen, to the left and right of the peak of my forehead.

It turns out I still have too much hair.

After about 7 years, I have long COVID hair. Coronavirus is nearly over, but I chose to keep it for a bit longer.

Still wondering if I will go blond between now and when I slice it all off.

@mattanaw @mattanaw.everywhere @mattanaw.travels

#knoxville #alaska #anchorage #tennessee #foodnetwork #scrippsnetworks #discoverychannel #architect #softwarearchitect #formerarchitect #portrait #favoriteportrait #lostphotos #digitalineterest

Saturday, June 19th, 2021

Campy Vans, Big Hair, and Return to Alaska.





Back on my property in Ak after a long drive, and subsequent flurry of flights from Vegas.

Hair is big.

Campy vans.

@mattanaw @mattanaw.everywhere

Wednesday, June 2nd, 2021

Bear Footage Day Two, Route 39 North, British Columbia, Canada

Original Master

This footage is of a brown black bear I spotted driving north on route 39 in British Columbia, BC.

The day before, I spotted 16 bears in a single day.

It sounds like an exaggeration, but really I believe I spotted more than that, but only confirmed 16, since this was the number I could have certainly taken footage of, if I had not gotten tired of collecting bear videos…

@mattanaw @mattanaw.everywhere @mattanaw.travels

Wednesday, June 2nd, 2021

Lakes and Burnt Forest, Northern BC near the Yukon Territories, Canada.

Original Master

Driving north towards the Yukon in Canada, I found myself in driving through fields of burnt forest.

This is from the far north of British Columbia.

After breaking from a partial doze (I can drive just fine while in a wakeful dream state), I found a nice rest area to pull aside, to record this video from atop a nearby hill.

There were several lakes nearby, one somewhat turquoise, although it isn’t as obvious in this video, without the sunshine that was earlier illuminating them from a break in the clouds.

I was driving hours and then realized how many spots there must be, just like this one, in all the land that does not have roadways traversing them.

@mattanaw @mattanaw.everywhere

Wednesday, May 12th, 2021

Work Break Hike, Morningtime Meadview, AZ

Original Master

Original Master

I was in need of a break, and decided to take a morning stroll in Meadview, Arizona.

I found myself in some interesting territory very quickly.

Expecting hardly a walk, I enjoyed a very nice hiking excursion.

The Grand Canyon isn’t really a place.

It’s just a chosen portion of long stretches of deep canyons around the Colorado River and related water bodies.

My alligatoroid Lucchese boots performed well.

Dressy boots tested for real outdoor work.

Hiking and climbing.

So far they are doing well and make me curious,

how much better are hiking boots from REI and other stores,

when boots without laces perform very well.

@mattanaw @mattanaw.everywhere @mattanaw.travels

#arizona #meadview #lakemead #coloradoriver #canyon #neargrandcanyon #hiking #walk #workbreak #niceworkbreak #scenic #scenicandclose #meadviewisamazing #boots #lucchese #nolaces #oldfashioned #oldfashionedhike #notjustdressshoes #whatisthegrandcanyonbutachunkofit

Wednesday, May 12th, 2021

Driving my AWD Transit down to the Colorado River

Original Master

This is a drive down into a spot that would make an excellent starting point for long ventures into the Grand Canyon. This is near Meadview, Arizona.

The vehicle is my new Ford Transit AWD van, that I’ll be using for offgrid work.

@mattanaw @mattanaw.everywhere @mattanaw.travels

#meadview #grandcanyon #arizona #nevada #lakemead #coloradoriver #grandcanyonpashant #nationalpark #nationalmonument #exploration #offgrid #overland #transit #fordtransitawd #vanlive #vanwork #mobileoffice

Wednesday, May 5th, 2021

Monster-truck Vans in Progress with Hammock.

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Today I purchased my very first work vehicle!

After searching for a 4x4 Van, and finding that they are very difficult to find, I narrowed it down to the Ford Transit and the Mercedes Sprinter.

I had a Mercedes Sprinter previously and used it for travel around 2006/7, but it was very dangerous, and poorly designed for an early model.

However, it’s size was great because you could stand up and walk into the back, and have plenty of headspace.

Sprinters are commonly used as conversion vehicles for RVing.

Recently Sprinters were offered in a 4x4 version, and Ford now offers a transit which is roughly equivalent to the Sprinter. Also with an All wheel drive option.

I used it to drive a long road trip to Jasper/Banff and back, spending most of my time in Canada.

They are both extremely difficult to find and I was calling all around the country to find a model.

Finally I found a Ford Transit, fortunately, here in Vegas, which appears to be the only one that was available, here or anywhere nearby.

I will use this for business travel, and offgrid work experimentation/science, and other purposes.

I plan to jack it up, add larger tires, and make it an offroad touring vehicle.

Already I can tell this van will perform very well by comparison to the older Sprinter, and the AWD is very grippy.

It’s a hilarious replacement for my F-250 for offroad.

It is somewhat like a small bus, and has great visibility.

An AWD bus!

And it’s a dually!

Maybe one day this will be converted totally monster truck style, which would be hilarious given how large it is already.

My first task I set out for myself is to hang my hammock in the back.

This is my very first work truck for my company!

@mattanaw @mattanaw.everywhere @mattanaw.travels

#offroadvan #van #conversioninprogress #firstbusinessvehicle #science #vanrover #ford #fordtransit #f350 #allwheeldrive #awd #tourvan #business #firstworktruck #dually #sprinter #transit #travel #work #jeep #4x4 #dirt #vegas #alaska #hawaii #bigsteps #hugevan #tall #spacious #hammock.

Thursday, April 29th, 2021

Giant Stuffed Giraffes of Bass Pro, Vegas

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Ever fold your laundry behind a giant Giraffe head?

Or help customers with outdoor gear?

At home in AK, I drove beside a house, with a giraffe like this in the living room,

visible from outside.

BTW the Bass Pro in Vegas is amazing. It’s about twice as large as the Cabelas’ and Bass Pro in Anchorage,

and it is attached to a Casino.

I drove there to buy a Pelican case for a new camera.

Did not expect wildlife this big.

Wilddeath, outta the wild.

Mummified Africans.

Huge by comparison.

@mattanaw @mattanaw.everywhere @mattanaw.travels

#basspro #cabelas #shopping #giraffe #giraffeheads #shopping #vegas #nevada #lasvegas #casinosandstores #gearsplurge #giraffeofdeath #stuffy #taxidermed #posedforyourshoppingpleasure #amazingstore #worthavisit #hugebycomparison #mummifiedafricans

Monday, April 26th, 2021

Backcountry Camping at Lake Mead

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This weekend I took a trip to Lake Mead for some backcountry camping and swimming.

I also discovered a town called Meadview which was a very enjoyable place to hangout before and after my trip.

While I focused on staying safe while hiking along steep slopes and cliffs, and just enjoying a relaxing time by the beach,

I had an additional task of interest, to start using my new Canon EOS M50 camera.

After this trip, I am greatly interested in how mobile phones will continue to develop in comparison to professional photographer’s equipment, since in my opinion, the iPhone is hihgly competitive if not superior to the Canon, at least for basic use, which accounts for the bulk of all use for all photography.

“I would like to capture what I’m seeing now quickly.”

This isn’t a post about that, but I did spend some time learning my new camera, and I’m very happy with the results.

The highlight of the trip was the swim. I was hesitant. I’ve heard so much about risks of swimming in lakes, and deaths that have occurred.

But I just got finished in open water near Kona in Hawaii, which is vastly more dangerous, so I decided to go out.

It was worth it and I believe I’ll be swimming around to make trips to spots that are harder to access by walking, without a boat, and I’ll do it by swimming.

@mattanaw @mattanaw.everywhere @mattanaw.travels

#lakemead #backcountry #backcountryhiking #backpacking #desert #lake #swimming #lakelife #relaxation #scenic #remote #quiet #arizona #nevada #coloradoriver #meadview

Wednesday, April 28th, 2021

Petrified Forest National Park, Arizona.

Recently I visited Petrified Forest National Park, in Arizona.

It’s amazing that these trees are preserved as solid rocks. While they appear to have living bark, on some examples, they are completely mineralized.

They are millions of years old.

Not too long ago I visited the Redwood Forest.

At that National Park, there are fallen trees, with cuts showing the many layers of growth from the beginning when the tree was a sapling.

Trees can be dated using these lines, because trees consistently grow more circles which roughly correspond to the first and second halves of years.

You can count the rings in a tree and for every second ring, one year has elapsed. So if a tree has 100 rings, it is roughly 50 years old.

Some of these trees are a thousand years old, and park officials marked some trees, showing they were alive at the time of very early milestones in our civilization. Before Europeans even arrived in North America, and far earlier.

Well, these trees are millions of years old, at the petrified park, and still they show rings.

“Millions of years ago, this tree here, lived several hundred years at least…”

For those who tell you the earth is not that old, they are totally confused.

The petrified park is one place to visit showing the extreme age of the Earth.

The layers in the Grand Canyon are a better example still.

Volcanic islands, built of lava flows that rarely occur, are an even better example. Because the lava flows are still obviously live in action, and only build the islands slowly.

@mattanaw @mattanaw.everywhere @mattanaw.travels

#petrified #petrifiedforest #old #fossils #earthisreallyold #counterreligiousguesses #counterreligiousinventions #earth #nationalparks #mineralizedtrees #arizona #lasvegas #newmexico #southwest #trees #ancient #agate

Saturday, April 17th, 2021

Peacock Superstar of Los Poblanos.

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Peacock Superstar of Los Poblanos.

I was recently visiting my friend Steve who suggested we meet for a friendly dinner/business dinner at Los Poblanos, near the Rio Grande river in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

I call it “Al-boo-qwair-qwair”.

We were enjoying dinner, while this Peacock was strutting around.

The staff seemed unimpressed,

since this peacock’s routine was already known to them.

But we didn’t see it.

And most onlookers were enjoying it quite a lot.

Anyway so here is a video of the Peacock

of Los Poblanos.

Even outside of Alaska, I’m being chronically harassed and that exists even in this video.

Nevertheless, it was a good time.

@mattanaw @mattanaw.everywhere @mattanaw.travels

#albuquerque #albooqwairqwair #newmexico #nm #outtaalaska #ak #alaska #outtahawaii #hawaii #outtavegas #lasegas #lospoblanosrestaurant #riogrande @lospoblanos #southwest #outdoorrestaurant #birds #whythebird #itsagoodbird #interestingrestaurants #conversation #nicetimewithfriends

Friday, February 11th, 2021

Snow on Mauna Kea, Big Island, Hawaii

Snow on Kauna Kea!

The other day swimming in the ocean, I could see Mauna Kea with snow atop! A bizarre experience. The mountain is tall, over 13,000 feet, and snow is not entirely out of the ordinary. But that snow is not always clearly in view!

Next time I will attempt to be in the snow. Why? I’m also living in Alaska. But when do you have snow on an island, with a slope just right for sledding, on whatever you can find… on an island.

#Hawaii #snow #maunakea #maunamauna #hillswayafar #snowonthatthing #snowovertherebutImwarmandswimming #kona #maunakea #waikoloa #kailua #oceansnow #snow #equatorsnow

@mattanaw @mattanaw.everywhere @mattanaw.travels @mattanaw.Hawaii

Wednesday, April 15th, 2021

Lemonwood Pegged Ostrich Leg Boots.

Final pair of Lucchese boots for the last decade maybe.

And the most luxurius and costly, and the most precisely constructed.

They also have the best fit of all.

They have a rigid and solid construction yet feel soft.

What I like about these most is their shift from a brown chestnut appearance, to one shifting from yellow to brown.

Woodgrain. Although boots already simulate woodgrain in their layered soles. Well, wherever there isn’t actual wood.

They are not nearly as bright as my yellow full quill ostrich “ostrichy ostrich” boots, but they have an incredibly intricate pattern (I almost wanted to say “design”), and a high degree of symmetry between boots despite the risk of clash in pattern.

This must be part of the costs in the materials. The same cut of leather from differing legs in the same animal is presumed.

These are Lucchese’s premium boots. They go much higher in price, and I saw pairs at and above $7,000 USD in the store, but it appears that’s a matter of materials and not of boot craftsmanship.

#ostrich #ostrichleg #severedleg #hopeitdiedhonorably #didtheycareihopeso #leatheredvegans #Intricate #fashion #southwest #southwestfashion #precise #pricey #luxury #art #aesthetics #modeloffutureveganboots #startthemarket #blendintofutureformorality #makeleathercostlyandmoral #traditionitforeverdont #learnandmoveon #ostrichyostrich #itsaboot

@mattanaw @mattanaw.everywhere @mattanaw.arts

Tuesday, April 13th, 2021

Dark Gray Ostrich Lucchese Boots

Snagged a pair of dark gray Lucchese boots.

They don’t pop as much as some others but they have a very interesting look.

The dark gray sometimes resembles black, othertimes very dark blue or purple.

Very unique, and hand painted/dyed.

These have brass pegs, which supposedly add some value to the long term wearability.

Well, I am not really persuaded, thinking they are fasteners and glue may be enough, but let’s see how they span the next 40 to 50 years.

@mattanaw @mattanaw.everywhere @mattanaw.travels

#lucchese #handmade #boots #luxury #luxe #darkgray #unusualshoes #shoes #shoeworship? #worshipisntanything #worshipisstaring #worshipisthinkingawhile #idolworshipiswhat #alaska #ak #newmexico #kona #taos #santafe #arizona #nevada #design #fashion #western #southwest #art #artful #walkintheart #straponart #notreallystraponsbutkinda

Monday, April 12th, 2021

More Shoe Love. New Luccheses. Ostrichy.

Just more shoe love.

Grabbed another pair of Lucchese boots in Santa Fe.

These are full quill ostrich.

As a vegan this is an odd choice. They are beautiful, and quite different from what equivalent might exist in the vegan market.

I’m now considering what might be possible with Vegan sythetic products approsimating the beautiful natural products that currently exist.

There is an odd competition between the beauty of what exists naturally, and what can be produced with a high level of artistry, without using any animal products.

I don’t think purely synthetic products would undo the special aspects of what exists in these boots. That would be akin to comparing man made productions with what has naturally arisen on animals themselves.

But I think there is a ton of room to do better, and to be competitive with nature.

A recent snake watch I purchased from Gucci that has a pleasant design does an excellent job showing how this is possible. I would not want a snake-skin wallet, having purchased this wallet instead, and have not had an interest in similar wallets made of skin similar to these boots, although they are not quite as nice.

So now I’m wondering, when vegan boots will hit the market and when will they be competitive with boots such as these, that are incredibly attractive, and are still unique.

@mattanaw @mattanaw.everywhere @mattanaw.arts

#lucchese #boots #handmade #santafe #newmexico #ostrich #fullquillostrich #comfort #southwestfashion #fashion #totallyuniquestyle #western #boots #explorationsintoboots #highendboots #nonveganboots #veganoptions #futureofboots #lux #luxury

Thursday, April 8th, 2021

Hangout Spot in Alamogordo

My most recent hangout spot in Alamogordo.

The building is fascinating. Built in the 1800s.

Although I was thinking to myself while driving out of Alamogordo, to Ruidoso, that these buildings are almost like play structures of clay. The walls are thick but are inconsistent, and so are the windows, and the primary criteria of success seem to be: are the floors level and do the windows and doors open and close.

So nice, but errrr, easy to make…

Sooooo easy.

#Adobe #pueblo #adobe #dirthome #nicemud #onebrick #hollowbrickwithholes #newmexico #southwest #arizona #bighuts #desertshacks #luxuryshack #hopewaterisclose #beerwater #doorsandwindowslater #fillintheholes #theentiresouthwestisfillintheholes

@mattanaw @mattanaw.everywhere @mattanaw.travels

Thursday, April 8th, 2021

Hangout Spot in Alamogordo

My most recent hangout spot in Alamogordo.

The building is fascinating. Built in the 1800s.

Although I was thinking to myself while driving out of Alamogordo, to Ruidoso, that these buildings are almost like play structures of clay. The walls are thick but are inconsistent, and so are the windows, and the primary criteria of success seem to be: are the floors level and do the windows and doors open and close.

So nice, but errrr, easy to make…

Sooooo easy.

#Adobe #pueblo #adobe #dirthome #nicemud #onebrick #hollowbrickwithholes #newmexico #southwest #arizona #bighuts #desertshacks #luxuryshack #hopewaterisclose #beerwater #doorsandwindowslater #fillintheholes #theentiresouthwestisfillintheholes

@mattanaw @mattanaw.everywhere @mattanaw.travels

Tuesday, April 6th, 2021

White Sands NP Sand Dunes Hike.

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Today I went for a hike at White Sands National Park, and found myself climbing dunes along a trail only marked with plastic waypoints.

It is a trail that is easily accessible, yet there is a feel of unusual remoteness.

It’s called Alkalai Flats.

The mountains in the distance are almost the same shade as the sand, creating an extended continuity of the same color, far into the distance.

There were signs at the beginning of the trail, indicating higher than usual dehydration risk, and some have died here, after getting lost.

It was very windy, and I too couldn’t stay out long before feeling very dehydrated.

But it wasn’t too hot, and apparently I chose a very good time of year to make a visit, according to the manager of the hotel I’m staying at.

Amazing trip. Highly recommended because it is not a difficult trip to make, and will definitely be memorable.

@mattanaw @mattanaw.everywhere @mattanaw.travels

#newmexico #nationalparks #parks #whitesands #whitesandsnationalpark #dunes #sand #sanddunes #purewhite #sandhills #sandridges #mountains #mountainous #desert #bright #picturesque #scenic #nationalgeographic #parksystem #texas #elpaso #lascruces #alamogordo #hiking #trailrunning #trails #incredibletrails #alaska #kona #vegas #innewmexico

Monday, April 5th, 2021

My first pair of boots. They are Luccesse.

Some sights from Alamogordo, New Mexico, and some Luccess Boots I just purchased in Texas.

This is my first ever pair of boots.

Well, boots that are not of the hiking type.

I’m a vegan, and yes, these are leather.


It was an exception.

I’m imagining ways to recreate these, with vegan materials.

But after 20 years being vegan, and being consistently a purchaser of non-leather materials,

I’m experiencing some fondness of the classic look, with genuine leather.

I also have a 27 years old buffalo skin wallet, that is quite a beautiful creation too.

I hope we can improve upon and replicate these in the future, with purely synthetic materials,

with some continuity with original masterworks.

@mattanaw @mattanaw.everywhere @mattanaw.travels

#texas #elpaso #lascruces #alamogordo #newmexico #boots #luccesse #beautifulboots #comfortable #craftsman #craft #comfy #western #country #desert #enjoyment

Thursday, April 1st, 2021

La Posada Lodge and Casitas, Tucson, Arizona

Recent stay at a cool spot in Tucson!

@mattanaw @mattanaw.everywhere @mattanaw.arts

#casitas #laposadalodge #tucson #arizona #pueblo #art #tapestry #boutique #desert #relaxing #hotels #hotel

Monday, March 29th, 2021

Organ Mountain-Desert Peaks National Monument, New Mexico

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Today I was trail running after work in the late afternoon, at a perhaps lesser known park that turned out better than expected, called Organ Mountain-Desert Peaks National Monument, in New Mexico.

@mattanaw @mattanaw.everywhere @mattanaw.travels

#organmountainsdesertpeaksnationalmonument #nationalmonument #nationalpark #natgeo #parks #outdoors #nature #newmexico #texas #lascruces #santafe #whitesands #mountains #trees #trail #trailrunning #unitedstates #usa #america

Sunday, March 28th, 2021

Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument, Arizona

Yesterday I made a visit to Organ Pipe National Monument, Arizona for an evening jog and


Wog mostly on the way back.

Although I can jog too.

I swear I can jog.

The cacti are forever here. Very tall too.



@mattanaw @mattanaw.everywhere @mattanaw.travels

Sunday, March 28th, 2021

Gordon Ramsay’s and Snake Wallet Shopping at Caesar’s.

Seeing a beautiful Gucci wallet that would make a suitable replacement for my binder clip, I decided to go buy it at Caesars.

It’s not real snakey, but has a nice artful design.

It’s been a very long while since I had a real wallet.

In the future I imagine myself producing pieces like this of my own.

Anyway, on the way out, I decided to hang out at Gordon Ramsay’s place.

Good times commenced.

Found some new friends. Not everyday you hang out with a pair of PhDs randomly.

Great conversation! Pleasant and unexpected surprise!

New spiffy wallet.

Gordon Ramsay brand experience. Nice bar.

Looking forward to next time.

@mattanaw @mattanaw.everywhere

#gordonramsay #gordon #gucci #gucciwallet #kingsnake #caesar #caesarspalace #wallets #artfuldesign #goodtimes #businessisgood #lasvegas #goodtimes #vegas #nevada #america #usa #traveller #alaska #kona #hawaii #homethree #gloriouscasinotimes

Sunday, March 28th, 2021

White Sands National Park, New Mexico.

Today I was able to spend some time in White Sands National Park in New Mexico.

Very beautiful spot. There is so much white!

Caught some beautiful shots of dunes with the only slightly off-white mountains in the distant background.

@mattanaw @mattanaw.everywhere

Sunday, March 28th, 2021

Hotel McCoy, Tucson AZ

Recents from the Hotel McCoy in Arizona.

Cool and artsy spot.

@mattanaw @mattanaw.everywhere @mattanaw.arts

Sunday, March 28th, 2021

New Longboard Skateboard

Board sports were never something I learned to do well growing up.

I had a small skateboard for a while but ended up using it as a luge more than an actual skateboard.

When used as a skateboard I could hardly turn. I have the same issue with skating and with rollerblading.

But since I took up surfing, and wanted to have some improved ability to use boards more generally, I considered buying a skateboard.

On a whim, while buying board shorts, I spotted a rack of beautiful longboard.

They are very artful I feel. Anyone who skateboards, I’m sure, is interested in the design and character of their board, but I only appreciated how nice they were when I finally bought this one.

This board is very smooth to ride. Once I hit 10 mph though, I feel a strong urge to jump off. So I cannot yet go very quickly, but it does feel somewhat natural to turn and maneuver.

I hope it translates to surfing for when I’m back in Hawaii.

@mattanaw @mattanaw.everywhere @mattanaw.arts

#longboard #skateboard #surfing #longboarding #skateboarding #kona #honokaa #hawaii #bigisland #vegas #startingupskateboardinginvegas

Sunday, March 28th, 2021

Balcony at the Venetian

I was happy last week to be visited by a valued customer in the Pharmaceutical industry, and after we had dinner, we took a stroll and ended up on this balcony at the Venetian.

While there I was reflecting on how much effort really went into creating Vegas and the costs involved.

The Architecture in some locations in Vegas is truly impressive.

I’ve been to the Venetian, but this is the first time I’ve stepped out onto this balcony, providing the walkway between this hotel, and the others beside it from above.

@mattanaw @mattanaw.everywhere @mattanaw.arts

#vegas #lasvegas #business #alaskan #hawaiian #nenebirds #rocklizards #snakethings #venetianhotel #nevada #venetian #art #architecture #desert #warm #businessdinner #restaruants #matteosrestaurant #matteos #beautifulbalcony #goodtimes

Tuesday, March 23rd, 2021

Saguaro National Park West, Tucson Arizona.

Original MOV

Saguaro National Park West, Tucson Arizona

This video is from a spot where I went jogging at Saguaro National Park, on the West Side.

@mattanaw @mattanaw.everywhere @mattanaw.travels

#saguaro #tucson #arizona #az #desert #parks #cactus #cacti #nationalparks #parks #saguaronationalpark #saguaronationalparkwest #scenic #travel #nationalgeographic #hiking #trails #trailrunning #outdoors #photography #videography #quiet #serene

Monday, March 15th, 2021

Cactis Forever

For now “cactis” is the real plural.

There were way too many cactis.

Spent part of the day touring and trail running Saguaro National Park East.

Saguaro National Park is somewhat unique in that there is an eastern and western division, completely separate from each other.

Tuscon itself sits in the center, between these two parks, as the divider.

I was thinking to myself today that the whole area could be considerd Saguaro,

with Tuscon kinda in the park.

and Tuscon itself in many places is not unlike Saguaro.

With a similar landscape and feel to the park itself. Depending on where you are.

@mattanaw @mattanaw.everywhere @mattanaw.travels

#tucson #arizona #az #cacti #cactus #saguaro #saguaronationalpark #saguaronationalparkeast #nationalparks #parks #desert #trails #trailrunning #running #touring #explorationsbycar

Saturday, March 20th, 2021

Trail Runners for Jogging in Tucson, AZ

Today I made a trip from Phoenix to Tucson.

Initially I intended to move here, before choosing Las Vegas, as my more permanent home location.

However, Phoenix and Tucson are near enough to make trips, and I intend to

sorta live in all of these locations part time.

Anyway, today I picked up some trail runners, since I was missing shoes to use running in Saguaro National Park, and Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument.

Running in Balenciagas makes no sense, nor does running in pure white Adidas Ultra Boost 4s.

Yes, these are the thoughts I’m having lately, in addition,

to less fashion related reflections.

But these shoes are tasteful, and have some very nice patterns.

They are Cloudultra Cloudswift running shoes.

@mattanaw @mattanaw.everywhere @mattanaw.travels

#cloudultra #cloudswift #trailrunning #trails #saguaronationalpark #saguaro #bigasscactus #cactus #organpipecactusnationalmonument #organpipecacti #arizona #phoenix #tucson #running #travel #nationalparks #shoes #fitness #fashion #combinethem #synth

Saturday, March 19th, 2021

Fendi Sunglasses and Swapped Balenciagas, and Tivoli

Just admiring my new sunglasses, which turned out to be free, thanks to Caesar, and winnings at Caesar’s palace.

And my new white pair of balenciagas, which were a replacement for the black ones that had some odd bubble defect.

It was popping with every step. Thousand dollar shoes with bubbles.

They seemed to think there was no problem, having no understanding of product testing, but finally, they agreed to replace them, after not too much discussion, thankfully, with these white versions, which are quite nice.

The surrounding area was Tivoli just outside my gym. Very nice environment.

Works well for frivolous pictures of sunglasses and shoes.

These are my days as of late.

Life is arrogant, artful, and well, way more materialistic than usual.

Part hobo, part not. It’s fun.

I’m still frugal too.

@mattanaw @mattanaw.everywhere @mattanaw.arts

#balenciaga #fendi #hugesneakers #cushy #texture #art #artist #fashion #fashionisartistviacreditcard #tarjetadecredito #hellashoes #shoesthatareextraround #sunglassesthatwerepokerfree #freebypokerwinnings #enjoyingtexturesandenvirons #vegas #tivoli #offtophoenix #phoenixweekend #ilikemesomephoenix #liveinphoenix #arizona #dirtperson #dirtpersonanotherspot

Wednesday, March 16th, 2021

New Balenciagas

Today I bought a new pair of Balenciagas.

These shoes are oddly huge.

Far from plain, although they appear so in the images.

Shopping was at crystals right besite the Aria hotel.

I’ve been to the Aria a few times before, but never went shopping at crystals.

It was a beautiful day downtown.

One large building that never caught my attention came into view.

@mattanaw @mattanaw.everywhere @mattanaw.arts

#shoes #sneakers #tennisshoes #balenciagas #balenciaga #lasvegas #crystals #aria #ariahotel #casino #casinoshops #luxe #lux

Sunday, March 14th, 2021

Poker at Caesars and Caesar Masked.

Yesterday night I spent some time at Caesar’s Palace shopping, and unexpectedly found myself at the poker room.

I don’t usually play poker and it’s been a long while even since playing a friendly game with friends.

Low ante no-limit Texas hold-em poker is the only game in the entire casino I feel I can control, and I regularly win.

Since antes are low, you can sit at the table and talk with people without ever playing a hand if you like. Every 30 minutes or so you may spend a few dollars to retain your spot.

The only catch with no-limit hold-em is that you want to have a fairly large amount of money on the table in the even that the right hand surfaces and the right circumstances exist, because it can be nearly guaranteed that you will win, if you are patient enough. And with no limit, to maximize earnings, you have to be willing to put a large amount of money at stake on the table.

So there is a chance of losing a fair amount of money, but it’s totally up to you, given the circumstances, if the odds are really in your favor.

So despite expecting to spend very little, mostly for enjoyment of company and drinks, I grabbed 500 from the ATM and sat down 300 in chips.

After a very nice time sitting with some interesting people, I found myself leaving with 1300 dollars, earning 800. When I arrived at my car it was daylight, however, so I was there a very long time enjoying myself. Had I left without that 300 starting buy-in, I would have still been satisfied with the experience.

Just beforehand I purchased a pair of Fendi sunglasses at the shoppes, and was happy on leaving that I hadn’t really spent anything at all in total, and still earned a few hundred extra dollars.

I suppose the one less than satisfying part of the experience is winning from others, and seeing them leave disappointed. Prior win-everything tournaments in friends’ homes have resulted in strange experiences, in which I won everything, but saw others go from enjoyment to very quiet and sullen dissatisfaction, and perhaps hidden anger. In some scenarios I felt more at risk, and/or felt guilty for taking others’ money, including potentially people who were not making the right decisions to play to begin with. Once or twice I won everything from church groups, who arguably shouldn’t have been playing poker, given belief systems, but worse still, seemed like sore losers at the end of the night. In that respect they were exactly like others who were not involved in church at all.

Closer friends in these situations behaved more as expected, but others did not take things well, and it is concerning to witness someone you don’t know well to change expressions dramatically.

Anyway, poker is still a fun sport of sorts, and apart from this experience of taking from people who hope to take from you, it is very enjoyable.

@mattanaw @mattanaw.everywhere @mattanaw.travels

#caesars #caesarspalace #lasvegas #vegas #casino #texasholdem #gambling #gamblingyoucontrol #skippingslots #skippingtablegames #holdemonly #lowstakeshighpossibility #hangout #goodtimes #nicepeople #winnings

Wednesday, March 10th, 2021

Circa and Old Town Vegas Revamped

Original MOV

Not too long ago Aria was the newest Casino of interest,

but more recently Circa, in Old Town has become more prominent.

So I went to Circa.

There is a massive pool bar at Circa, that is open, shockingly,

so probably I will have pics from there soon.

But for now I did nightlife Circa, and Garage Mahal, its garage,

that deserves no attention, but still, the name is cool,

and also the Golden Nugget, where I will be playing some poker

at low stakes so nobody thinks less of me,

and because I don’t gamble really.

(I usually win money and feel not so great about it).

The coolest thing about this spot, though

was the outdoor scene, with the digital projection on the ceiling.

Very cool, definitely going back.

@mattanaw @mattanaw.everywhere

#mattanaw #lasvegas #vegas #nevada #home #circa #alaska #hawaii #awayfromhomebuthomestill #travel #manyhomes #globalconsultant #architectgodchild #godchild #yeragodchild #circa #casino #goldennugget #poker #donttakeadvantage #oldtownvegas

Wednesday, March 10th, 2021

My new gym in Vegas: Kilo Club.

Happy about my new gym here in Vegas, which is a very nice spot, called Kilo Club.

Interesting custom weights that wrap around the hand.

Luxurious stairwells and entrance, in a beautiful building and setting in Tivoli.

The club keeps a low number of members to keep it relaxed for Covid, so the masking rules are not as stringent.

Dungeonlike casino vibe, and dark, but classy.

Nice boxing/MMA facility.

Also I got to protect my rental beside a McLaren that was trying to be alone.

I traded some luxury for some convenience by choosing to rent cars only. So I do not have a car of my own.

Tesla price for a Malibu, but it’s brand new and I can give it back.

@mattanaw @mattanaw.everywhere

#kilo #kiloclub #pounds #poundsclub #metricisbetter #metricsystem #vegas #ilikethisplace #verychill #quiet #darkandcasinolike #workout #gym #exercise #tivoli #summerlin #mclaren #notminegotthemalibu #vegas #lasvegas

Wednesday, March 10th, 2021

Mattanaw is even more haired

Jumped out of bed, after sleeping in during the afternoon/evening.

Hair was big, and I found myself wondering, how

I went from no hair at all to becoming John Stamos.

My shirt isn’t really disgusting, that’s just the mirror.


@mattanaw @mattanaw.everywhere

#vegas #lasvegas #homesweethome #homesuitehome #hawaiiinvegas #alaskainvegas #summerlin #cimarron #nevada #dirtperson #desertperson #dirt #beigeisgood #myshirtsnotgross #justthemirror #haired #hairmore #howsomuchhair #hairinvegas #mattanawshair #mexicanhairmost

Monday, February 15th, 2021

Faux Kukui Nuts in the Sunset

Faux Kukui Nuts in the Sunset

#kukuinut #itsanut #lai #sunset #sunsetglowonstuff #sunsetglowonthings #iwasinacar

@mattanaw @mattanaw.everywhere @mattanaw.Hawaii @mattanaw.travels

Thursday, February 18th, 2021

My Old Myers Briggs Results

My Old Myers Briggs Results

In preparation for a short article on this topic, and in development of my Open Health page, designed to open my health record to the public, I’m releasing my Myers Briggs results, which are useful, if the limitations are understood, and otherwise are misleading. My result is INTP getting close to ENTP.

See some other health results at

#psychology #personalitymeasures #personalityclassificatiom #personality #typology #partlyvalid #partlyinvalid #communicationtools #mutualinderstanding #selfinderstanding #limited #science #openhealth #mind #mattanawsmind #hawaii #bigisland #kona #kailua

@mattanaw @mattanaw.everywhere @mattanw.Hawaii #mattanaws.mind

Wednesday, February 17th, 2021

Trees of Hilo, Big Island, and Thai Curry

African Tulip. Spathodea Campanulata.

African Tulip. Spathodea Campanulata.


Koa. Acacia Koa.



Today I bought some Thai Curry at Ratana’s in Hilo, and sat in my car at the park observing the beautiful trees.

Ratana is like the word Mattanaw but it starts with the word “rat”, in case you didn’t notice.

I didn’t take any pics of my curry but I took photos of the trees, because I’m still on a quest to learn the various species of trees I encounter, instead of just looking at them.

“Which tree was that?”

Is a question I would like to be able to answer now.

How weird is it to grow up without knowing the names of any species of anything around? This is how many of us grow up. And we simply don’t have that many types of trees around us wherever it is we are living, unless we are in a jungle someplace, like the Amazon.

I haven’t identified each tree quite yet. If you know a species marked TBD, or notice a mistake, let me know!

#curry #trees #hilo #hawaii #ratana #ratanasthai #ratinmattanaw #thaifood #sodelicious #thai #eastbigisland #bigisland #tastygooonrice #yum #panangcurrywithtofu #vegan #vegetarian #island #usa #globalcitizen #treesareovertherethough #letsnametrees #whatisthatplantmywholelife #whatstheplant

@mattanaw @mattanaw.everywhere @mattanaw.hawaii @mattanaw.travels

Tuesday, February 16th, 2021

Sunglass Materialism into Degeneration Part II.

The first post on sunglasses didn’t have that title but it was part I.

I feel I entered the sleezy a little but here are the new Versace’s.

Although I’m learning about the soothing experience of wearing dark sunglasses almost all of the time.

The long hair has to go soon.

#style #arts #fashion #fashionable #fashionunable #whitetshirt #itsdirty #dirty #itsstillwhitethoughsolooksclean #sunglasses #versaces #versace #intothesleeze #sleezeisfun #sleeze #guidopractice

@mattanaw @mattanaw.everywhere @mattanaw.arts

Monday, February 15th, 2021

Sunglasses Shopping Happened

Sunglasses Shopping Happened

I was committed to wearing cheap sunglasses because I lose them all of the time, but a friend had Oakley goggles, so I suddenly found myself in sunglass hut in Kona.

It was fun and now I have some nice sunglasses.

I was not allowed to try on the sunglasses without the mask on. This is the level of absurdity we’ve gotten into with coronavirus.

I bought the red ones, the blue ones, and a pair of Versaces I’ll share later.

#sunglasses #kona #hawaii #sunglasshut #oakleys #oakleysutro #oakley #oakleyportal #versaces #versace #shinylenses #plasticthatsnice #sunshine

@mattanaw @mattanaw.everywhere

Sunday, February 14th, 2021

Maps of Hawaii

I’m fond of cartography, but unfortunately giant printer prints are expensive, and it’s lame to carry a roll of gigantic maps. So instead, I’ll be photographing them. Here’s a nice set of maps from a bookstore in Hilo, depicting the Big Island, as a volcanic flow infographic. Info graphics are new? No they are not they are simply alternative data visualization particular to the needs of the user. This map is an excellent example of a spatially correct and precise infographic.

#hawaii #bigisland #maps #planning #infographics #lavaflows #lava #kilauea #kilaueaandotherspots #wholeisland #devilinthedetails #devilsinthemap? #nodevil #wisdom #knowledgematters #knowledge #godinfographicissmallandhadnodetail

@mattanaw @mattanaw.everywhere @mattanaw.Hawaii

Thursday, February 11th, 2021

Falls in Waipi’o Valley

Original Landscape MOV | Original Portrait MOV

These videos are of the Waterfalls and Flora in Waipi’o Valley, very close to the coastal area that I showed in my other recent post.

@mattanaw @mattanaw.everywhere @mattanaw.travels @mattanaw.hawaii

Friday, February 5th, 2021

Waipi’o Coast

Original Landscape MOV | Original Portrait MOV

The Wai’pio Coast on the Northeastern coast of the Big Island of Hawaii.

This will be my surf spot for the next few weeks, since I’m now living in Honoka’a, Hawaii, nearby.

@mattanaw @mattanaw.everywhere @mattanaw.hawaii @mattanaw.travels

#beach #scenic #mountains #coast #hawaii #bigisland #waipio #honokaa #cliffs #waves #surfing #surfdestination #pacific #islands #islandlife #honokaa #alaska #anchorage #wasilla #palmer #lasvegas #vegas #nevada #miami #florida #traveler #international

Friday, February 5th, 2021

Waterfall at Waipi’o Valley, Big Island Hawaii

Recently I moved to another part of the island called Honoka’a, near the scenic Waipi’o Valley.

Inadvertently I took the risk of driving my mustang down the steep road reserved for 4x4s, to the bottom of the valley where this waterfall on a sheer cliff was visible beyond the trees, which were interesting on their own too.

I ran into some people who were fairly hostile to my being there, having risked getting stuck down there with an apparently offensive vehicle.

I made it back up but barely!

@mattanaw @mattanaw.everywhere

Wednesday, February 9th, 2021

Boxing at Aloha Fitness in Hilo, Hawaii

Original 1 MP4 | Original 2 MP4

I’m now trying to get back into boxing again, and after a couple gym sessions, I decided it was worth checking out my form.

I never had any formal training, but I did spend some time as a teen hitting a heavy bag my father hung up in our basement, and spent a fair amount of time doing it.

It was a canvas heavy bag, that I would hit with thinner gloves or bare knuckle. It’s quite a bit different hitting with padded gloves that feel heavy and sap endurance faster, but at least my hands are protected.

The gym is Aloha Fitness in Hilo. It’s a cool spot. Open air with a relaxed feel. I exercise here when I’m on the east side of the island.

#boxing #gym #punching #fight #fighttheobject #fighttheswingyball #punchy #openair #hilo #bigisland #hawaii #islandlife #anchorage #wasilla #alaska #wintering #winteringfromak #livinghawaii

@mattanaw @mattanaw.everywhere @mattanaw.trains

Friday, February 5th, 2021

Starting Electric Bicycle Build

About 10 years ago I rode an electric bicycle that was far simpler than those sold today, because instead of being a complete build, it was a standard bicycle converted to an electric bike, using an electrical wheel hub and a battery bank.

Seeing that new e-bikes are not less than $1,000 USD, and frequently above $1,500, I decided to attempt to build one on my own, using the approach I saw a while ago.

I’m nearly finished with my build, and the total cost for necessary parts is approximately $55o dollars, and the performance of the bike should exceed those bikes that are pre-built on the market.

The biggest limitation of my approach is that it is less polished, because components are added to the standard bike frame, rather than being within the bike frame. However, there is the advantage that the build is modular, and components can be swapped out with more powerful components, additional low cost batteries, and so on. You are not committed to any particular bicycle or bike parts either.

Here is the current part list to build the same bicycle and costs:

At $502.90 this electric bicycle is nearly half the cost of some basic unelectrified bicycles with very limited features.

Consider the following features:

The end result of this build will be shown soon.

Thursday, February 4th, 2021

Whale Calls and Swimming at Manini’owali, Hawaii

When I was swimming in the ocean, in the first video, I decided to test dipping the GoPro under the water, to see the quality of the results.

I never used the GoPro underwater before.

When I looked at the video, I was shocked that I got whale calls!

#hawaii #whale #whalecalls #beaches #beach #swimming #unexpected #unexpectedmoments #pacific #islandlife

@mattanaw @mattanaw.everywhere @mattanaw.hawaii

Tuesday, January 26th, 2021

Deep Ocean, Cove to Cove Swim

Just yesterday I did my first swim from one beach to another completely separate beach here in Hawaii. I started in Mau’umae beach, which is a somewhat less oft visited beach on the island, and swam from that cove, to a much more popular beach at another resort, Mauna Kea.

Initially I decided to just go for a swim at this new beach. But since it did not have waves, and was quite placid, I wanted a challenge, and simply decided to swim the other beach that I knew was somewhat nearby, without any gear, and only my board shorts on. Since I did not have this plan, I did not collect any footage, although the next time I do this, I will bring a GoPro.

I did not swim it very quickly– it took me around 80-90 minutes, and I estimate the distance was around 3/4 of a mile, or about 1.2 kilometers. I’m not a competitive swimmer, and don’t think I would want to be one, but I do like the prospect of making longer and longer swimming trips between various beaches and locations, for a challenge, and potentially to explore, since some spots are not accessible by car. Along the way on this trip, for example, I spotted a private beach and residence that was quite large and luxurious, and I would not have been able to see it without boating or making a swim like this one.

The starting point at Mau’umae Beach on the Waimea coast of the Big Island.

The path of the swim from Mau’umae to Mauna Kea.

A larger image giving an idea of the water depth and position to other locations, like Hapuna Beach, that I may attempt to swim to on a longer trip.

The path I had to take back, walking with no shoes, since I did not plan it in advance. It took me another hour to walk back, and I will never leave again without foot protection!

Recently, I considered potentially attempting a swim between the islands here where there are closer connections, like the approximately 5-6 mile distance between the Oahu and Kaho’olawe. I am considering covering it with a stop to another small island in between, at Molokini Island Preserve, or else to simply swim directly. Either way, I will need to take a long time to train, and will need to consider risks and currents before making an attempt.

Anyway, this is a goal I’m looking forward to working towards!

#mattanaw #swimming #swimtrips #swimsploration #deepswim #ocean #oceanswimming #bigisland #molokini #kahoolawe #waimea #kona #island #islandlife #surfing #beach #beachlife #luxe #luxury #adventure #travel #unplanned

@mattanaw @mattanaw.everywhere @mattanaw.travels

Sunday, January 24th, 2021

Erckels Francolin on Mauna Loa, Hawaii

I spotted this bird that had especially striking colors, even if a bit drab, up on Mauna Loa Drive, that goes up the more lush side of Mauna Loa, on the Big Island of Hawaii.

@mattanaw @mattanaw.everywhere @mattanaw.travels

Tuesday, January 19th, 2021

Thatched Huts at Pu’uhonua o Honaunau National Historical Park, Big Island Hawaii

Recently I made a trip to this historical park just south of Kona on the Big Island.

What I liked most about this park were the thatched huts, the wooden statues, and the koa canoes.

I’ve been kayaking in the past, but after seeing canoes here I’m far more interested in canoeing, and the canoes used appear to be synthetic variants of this same koa canoe.

I want the koa canoe!

@mattanaw @mattanaw.everywhere @mattanaw.travels

Tuesday, January 19th, 2021

Ocean by the Cliffs Off Pahoa, Big Island, Hawaii

A view of the ocean by older volcanic cliffs near Pahoa, Hawaii, on the Big Island.

@mattanaw @mattanaw.everywhere @mattanaw.travels

Monday, January 18th, 2021

Thunderous Waves Beside Restaurant at Magic Sands, Hawaii

For dinner today I was hanging out and reading at a restaurant beside Magic Sands beach here in Kona-Kailua, Hawaii.

The waves were thundering. How many spots exist where you can eat and drink right beside a beach like this one?!

Reading material during all this at the restaurant was Einstein’s autobiography concerning his academic pursuits and developments, from the Schlipp series, titled “Albert Einstein: Philosopher Scientist”.

As far as I know this is his only autobiography, written near the time of his death, and he even mentioned it was his obituary of sorts, meant with seriously and with humor.

A strange combination maybe but that was my day. It was very nice, and the waves don’t get boring!

@mattanaw @mattanaw.everywhere @mattanaw.travels

#hawaii #kona #kailua #bigisland #magicsands #loudwaves #thunderingwaves #waves #surfers #bodyboarders #stormyish #rainybutamazing #foodandwaves #drinksandwaves #reading #physics #physicaltheory #pacific #islands#hawaiilife

Tuesday, December 29th, 2020

Lounging and surfing in Kona, Hawaii.

After spending a couple days lounging and surfing in Kona, Hawaii.

This year I opted to not celebrate Christmas at all, but I had a nice time nevertheless.

@mattanaw @mattanaw.everywhere @mattanaw.travels

Friday, December 18th, 2020

Business in Hawaii

I was finally able to divide my business operations between Alaska, Las Vegas, and Hawaii, where I’m now located, enjoying the Holidays and my birthday.

I originally intended to start business in Anchorage, AK, but did not intend to spend all of my time there. Rather, I wanted to use it as a hub only, spending winters in other locations.

I’m enjoying the transition. It’s a goal finally realized!

I’m still a bit surprised that this was possible during Covid too.

@mattanaw @mattanaw.everywhere @mattanaw.travels

#business #businesstravel #newbusinesslocation #newlocation #vegas #lasvegas #nevada #hilo #kona #bigisland #hawaii #anchorage #alaska #ak #realestate #realestatehunt #newoffice #newofficelocation #wintering #snowbirding #wintertravel #sunshine #aloha #alohalife

Saturday, November 28th, 2020

Interesting Remote Airports II: Wrangell St. Elias Area Airports.

@mattanaw @mattanaw.everywhere @mattanaw.adventure @mattanaw.flys

Saturday, November 28th, 2020

Interesting Remote Airports I: Toad River, British Columbia.

@mattanaw @mattanaw.everywhere @mattanaw.adventure @mattanaw.flys

Wednesday, November 25th, 2020

Bison of Northern British Columbia

Driving through remote British Columbia, making my move from Alaska to the Southwest for the winter, I ran into these bison, just sleeping by the roadside.

I was already feeling that night driving was a little risky in the area, and decided to stop at a nearby lodge, after flying by this one bison that was sticking out in the road.

If it was in the roadway I probably would not have spotted it in time.

Like moose they are very dark, making driving in this part of Canada especially dangerous.

They seem to hang out alongside the road here in a number of places, so if you drive through British Columbia up towards Yukon Territory, you will likely seem yourself too.

Some of the nearby parkland is quite incredible.

This happened to be near Muncho Lake, which is especially scenic, and is worth a trip on its own.

@mattanaw @mattanaw.everywhere @mattanaw.adventure

#bison #buffalo #britishcolumbia #bc #yukonterritory #yukon #canada #wildlife #darkness #moonlit #moon #moonlight #parks #nationalparks #stateparks #muncholake

Tuesday, November 24rd, 2020

Interesting Offroad Vehicles

Seeing the range of offroad vehicles used in Wasilla AK, and areas nearby, I have become very interested in the typs and varieties that exist.

Here are some examples I’ve seen in my extensive travels, as of late.

As some know, I drove from Meadow Lakes through Canada, down through Montana, and other states, to Las Vegas, Nevada, which is one of my new permanent home locations.

I’ll add more offroad vehicles as I find them!

@mattanaw @mattanaw.everywhere @mattanaw.adventure

#alaska #wasilla #ak #palmer #glenallen #glacierview #grizzleyak #glenhighway #montana #lakehavasu #havasu #arizona #lasvegas #saltlake #nevada #southwest #northwest #country #backroads #offroad #racing #trackvehicle #atv #allterrain #jeep #4x4

Sunday, November 22nd, 2020

Recent Hatcher Pass Excursion

These are from a recent trip to Hatcher Pass, just before winter started, with my friend Rick who visited recently.

It’s one of the spots right near my place, but it’s really spectacular. I didn’t always have to drive far to find an amazing destination.

Right now, I’m sure it’s completely covered in snow, which is nice too, although for this season, I’m staying in a warmer climate.

@mattanaw @mattanaw.everywhere

#alaska #hatcherpass #hatcher #wasilla #palmer #ak #anchorage #bigisland #kona #mattanaw #hiking #mines #mining #derelict #parks #scenic #landscape

Sunday, November 1st, 2021

Mattanaw’s Coronavirus Hair

My new coronavirus hairdo.

Or, just hair.

Since I had none before.

@mattanaw @mattanaw.everywhere @mattanw.travels

#lasvegas #vegas #hairdos #hair #noclippers #travel #hawaii #bigisland #kona #hilo #kilauea#anchorage #alaska #dc #washington #island #islandlife #desert #volcano #mattshair #coronavirushair #coronachanges #newstarts #newbeginnings

Monday, October 26th, 2020

Buckskin Mountain State Park, and Parker, Arizona

@mattanaw @mattanaw.everywhere @mattanaw.travels

#parker #arizona #southwestisbest #southwest #lakehavasu #california #desertlife #fromarizona #arizonalife #mattanaw #mattanawtravels #photography #landscape #river #riverlife #lake #lakelife #alaska #anchorage #wasilla

Friday, July 3rd, 2020

Ugly Bear Footage

It’s been a while since I went through some trail camera footage.

After looking through, I found a few pictures of an

ugly ugly brown bear

on a trail on the lower portion of my property.

Once the grass gets long enough, bears like this one can roam around

completely invisibly.

@mattanaw @mattanaw.everywhere