A knife I own hand crafted by the late Phill Hartsfield. He is a renowned and influential bladesmith and armorer, and made some of the highest priced knives sold. Included here for metaphorical illustration since omission is used as a weapon.

Omitted or Missing Pieces

Updated: Friday, February 17th, 2023, at 4:37 PM New Plymouth, NZ Time



Author: Dr.9 Mattanaw, Christopher Matthew Cavanaugh, Retired

Interdisciplinarian with Immeasurable Intelligence. Lifetime Member of the High Intelligence Community.6

Former Chief Architect, Adobe Systems

Current President/Advisor, Social Architects and Economists International.



Edit History


Since this is a book live in progress, the reader should anticipate missing pieces throughout the site resulting from omissions made by the author, either to disinclude those pieces initially as a matter of priority, or because certain pieces have not yet been written or transcribed from handwritten sources, incomplete also as a matter of priority.

The priority of this work is to publish rapidly, even in complete and unedited works. This is different to the model of publication to which the author has worked as Chief Architect and Advisor, for various large enterprises, which requires a much more lengthy process of editing, verification, proofreading, and content management, and page testing. This website earlier had a staged portion which had the purpose of initial review prior to making a final published page, which is what modern websites do, almost in call cases. However, the author being an architect of such systems including the present system has decided to choose to publish more rapidly for benefits to the author, but also to gain information on the benefits and detriments of transparency of process revealed to the reader.

The process of writing a work that is initially incomplete is concealed from audiences and consumers.

Likewise the process of creating final productions, artistic creations, films, magazines, music, and so on are concealed until finished, which keeps potential learners outside of the work done, so they are unable to learn from observation.

The author is more concerned about transparency and sharing a living mind, and an actively growing work, than concealing from the reader how he did so in a sometimes masterful way, and usually in a self-learning way.

Another limitation of trying to have a complete work in advance is that for a book or large journal such as this, it may take many years and decades before anything can be shared. Already this work has taken 20 years. It is believed that it will take at least another five before it resembles a really coherent complete piece, closer to what the author is envisioning, or if not already envisioned, closer to what would be satisfying for commitment.

The structure of this work is still being created, however the larger framework is in place, and needs time for expansion and filling gaps. Initially readers will find that some sections appear incomplete or are lacking parts that are promised in introductions.

This does not imply there are not pieces of writing that will appear later, that were not considered earlier, and this is a message of the work Thoughtstream, which is a work of developing creativity.

There is a doneness to this work which was realized several years ago, and much work that will be included here has already been thought in some depth, or involves work already complete, that requires transcription (from handwritten sources). There are planned works that fit into the framework and envisioned structure.

The size of the vision of this publication and the size of its existing structure, should give the reader some indications that omissions would be unavoidable, given the time to complete writing and complete edits.

Since it is growing, there may be good reason for periodically checking back. It is expected that many articles, sections, videos, and media will be added frequency.

There is also the realization, that was just recollected by the author, that death could easily occur in advance of completion. Perhaps more should be included here on what omissions might mean if the work is not finished. Briefly for now it can be said that the author considers this work a mandala, and despite all the effort put in, could discard it immediately, and not cling to it unnecessarily, given it would likely vanish in the future in any case, and it is not clear that it is ever totally finished, despite aforementioned donenesses that exist.