
Updated: Friday, February 17th, 2023, at 6:34 p.m. Waitara, New Zealand Time



Author: Dr.9 Mattanaw, Christopher Matthew Cavanaugh, Retired

Interdisciplinarian with Immeasurable Intelligence. Lifetime Member of the High Intelligence Community.6

Former Chief Architect, Adobe Systems

Current President/Advisor, Social Architects and Economists International.



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In order to prepare the reader for the primary theses of the author’s new moral and ethical system of philosophy and science, it is necessary to first quickly and effectively eliminate certain erroneous but cherished assumptions people have at present, particularly those living in democratic nations.

For example, the present philosophy cannot be well understood, or interpreted, and perhaps communicated, without first:

Assumptions most people have, related to these topics need to be quickly challenged, in order for the reader to have a clearer perspective concerning the authors primary arguments/theses and moral-ethical system. Without these readings, it is anticipated the reader may have initial reactions to the primary material that is excessively intolerant, for being too attached and committed to ideas which have been heavily marketed to us while we were still young, into adulthood, without challenge.

In other words, these materials are of less importance to the author than later materials, being intended to prepare the reader for topics that are more important. Howver, they are important too, because they could alter the reader’s worldview dramatically, before even learning about the material that the author thinks is more important.

A fascinating aspect of this overall study of moral philosophy and ethics is that the author’s perspective is extremely divergent and different from what is traditional, because the author has not ever adopted certain perspectives that were accepted parts of tradition, that everyone seems to agree about. Having not shared with everyone key elements of their worldviews, his view is extremely dissimilar.

If readers were to accept his worldview, an he believes they will, over a long perio of time, they will not be at all in mindset like any person taken at random would be found to be. It is not an exaggeration to say that no-one has the author’s worldview, and that certain attitudes and perspectives that might be shared, would be found only infrequently and extremely rarely, and partialy, in minds taken at random from the public.