SocialNuggets™ 1


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Any experience that seems worth sharing on my various social media channels go here initially, with somewhat less serious social content, which might be humorous or attention seeking in intent (hashtags for marketing), goes here first, before being distributed somewhat omnichannel. Omnichannel is that keyword in my profession which means it is prepared for being sent to various other social channels, for presentation on different device types to different categories of users. Initially however, the postings go here, to my own platform owned and created by myself.

These postings may seem disconnected from the objectives of the site to convey my writings in moral philosophy, but that would be mistaken, as I integrated my learnings from the outset into my life, before writing anything. As I wrote, I continued integrating, and in any lulls when I was not writing, my life continued with additional sense-making and synthesis and integration with my evolving conclusions. This is the section that shows some of my social life, and my life experiences which people on various social channels think are the type that would be shared. I am partaking of normal social activity by “fitting in”, and doing what people in social media do, creating these posts. While behaving in this way I’m not constantly reflective of my moral system. It is hard to say though if there is any part of my life that my moral system has not influenced such that these behaviors are not somehow also influenced by my earlier thinking, because I very seriously blended myself with my philosophical and scientific commitments.

This is part of what I consider a living autobiography. What I include here figures into the various categories in my Life Categories and Priorities, and being life, includes all those categories listed and discussed. The Personal Form was utilized for years to self-improve, resulting in the person with the mostly healthful appearance depicted, concerned with nature and living well, sometimes frugally and sometimes somewhat luxuriously. Some observations relate to recent thoughts occurring in the ThoughtStream™. The Introduction would provide detail of how this all relates to the more general viewpoint and system of ethics and moral philosophy, which is gradually being shared explicitly (in full detail), on this website.

This page presents an aspect of a life which has been a morally driven one, guided by Rational Times. Knowing that certain times are rational and sometimes not, it does not claim that there are no times that are irrational, or passionate, or spontaneous; but it does claim that considerations about the need to include passion and spontaneity are also included in the system, and already addressed as something to keep and retain, within parameters, in rational moments preceding life. Some conclusions from rational moments, like some others who might think like I do, came from youth. Youths can be quite rational and decide on ways of behaving that guide life into old age in desirable and advantageous ways.

What follows also shows that the life of the author is still mundane in many ways, and a regular life, and not all seriousness and intellection at all moments, which is something that intelligent people, and religious and moral people, pretend. If they are not pretending, they are overly restrictive, which is also something that indicates an inadequacy to their morality. An inability to share their normal human behavior to give the impression it is more elevated than it is, an effect of privacy, or else a mistake concerning trying to maintain a constant mood and demeanor of a similar solemn or serious type, which is an effect of trying to portray a role of moral or religious constancy. Constancy exists somewhat in cyclical behaviors, exhibiting different moods and feelings, which show the array of types of human expressiveness, including fun and absurdity, and sensuality and sexuality. It appears this need for constancy is to placate and serve others in their social expectations of wanting to have a more simple understanding of people, and wanting to call people hypocrites for the smallest transitions or supposed deviations, if the person has commitments about being moral.

This page is also a portion of my living autobiography. The living autobiography includes written recordings, and media, which relate to experiences that happened during life on a timeline. There are other pages that also relate to the living autobiography, including those that are more related to thoughts of interest happening along the way, and data related to identity and health. The current contents of the living autobiography area as follows:

An unfortunate thing at present is that many really are recording their living autobiographies without knowing it when they interact with their various digital devices, and their social media profiles. Without having a way to organize, backup, and manage these artifacts of their creation, they will almost certainly lose what they’ve created, or will have a fraction of what they wanted to keep, and worked on for many years. The author of this site, being a former software architect, has produced this website and underlying software to manage the site, in such a way as to be able to retain most of the media and writings he has created over decades now. The author hopes to be able to make the software and the site available as an example of what is achievable, and perhaps to provide working software that users will be able to use themselves to retain their own living autobiographies of themselves and their loved ones.

Another way to explain the importance of this work is to relate it to people’s photo albums. People have communicated, many times, that in disaster, what they would like to retain are documents and their photographs, which may be irreplaceable because there aren’t feasible ways to back up paper photographs. The same has become true for digital photo albums and storage devices that have important files on them. If they are burned in a fire they are lost and people have repeatedly complained that this is a problem, justifying a market for fireproof safes. While this may seem the only problem, it isn’t. Backing up files and retrieving files from the web is not simple, and it even appears major software providers make it really difficult to download photos and videos en-masse, probably with the intention of retaining customers who will depend on them for their storage. Even more difficult still, is that even if these photos are obtained and kept, they are hard to organize in a way anyone will care to review. A living autobiography, however, is a book form that is recognized that is easy to read, and may be more attractive for people who will be interested enough to review. Loose files are really unlikely to be interesting to others. And if they really wanted to keep those files, you’d pass the work to them to eventually maintain and organize them. Most likely this will result is lost files.

Beyond this is the difficulty of making books and media permanent recordings of human history. This an interest of the author, and there is work underway to try to solve it. This work itself is intended to be one that will have a better chance of having a permanent history. This is not the only purpose of this work as it is of direct utility to the author even if it is eliminated and the author considers it a mandala, which means it can be destroyed completely because the author has no ultimate attachment to it. The author will die, and very likely, soon after it will not exist. More generally, for all human artifacts, ultimately they will be like a fossil record, if they exist at all, and are not weathered and decomposed, after earth becomes a frozen celestial object. This is assuming there is not another alternative trajectory, in which future species are able to keep earth going more perpetually. However, it is assumed that these future animals, descendants of humans perhaps, will not care about what I’ve created here and certainly would not care much about what other individuals would have in their photo albums, even if preserved. If they solve the problem in the future it will not be backwards applicable. They’d have their histories but ours would be lost. This is a work, in part too, perhaps, to support their efforts of having their histories, while we lose ours.

Mattanaw’s primary social channel.

Started December 12th 2018

Author: Mattanaw, Christopher Matthew Cavanaugh

Former Chief Architect, Adobe Systems

Current President/Advisor, Social Architects and Economists International.


Terms and Conditions Exclusively written, edited (when that happens), and maintained by Christopher Matthew Cavanaugh. All Rights Reserved.

Education Support

Wednesday, January 10, 2024 22:58:38, Tempe, Arizona*

To add Videos

For a long while, I’ve had a teaching that I wanted to share with students of all ages, that I occasionally told others about, perhaps including the girls that I tutored for about 8 years, but did not record into any writings. Now I’m motivated to record these thoughts that I’ve held onto for a long time that I think are universally useful to all who are are might be in education.

I don’t think it will take too long to explain what the key teachings are and will do so quickly. One can watch the video and hear my corresponding explanation of what I’ve written here.

In order to know more about me, and why I would be capable of providing such guidance, I would review my Book and Journal at, or some of my earlier videos that provide an introduction into my career history, accomplishments, and membership in the High Intelligence Community. I was also a dedicated teacher and tutor for many years so that should provide some understanding that what I have to share would be helpful to others, and is not merely from someone who is wanting to share tips informally having in-passing some useful knowledge, as an ordinary member of the community who hasn’t had such an extensive history.

I was also a trusted mentor to adults and organizations including those who were much older and some advanced in age.

The following provides the main suggestions, and for each I will provide some elaboration.

I believe I am missing some few additional critical points, and will add those when I’ve thought of them again and am properly motivated to record them and speak of them further.

I don’t believe there are many teachings required to enable someone to get much better at learning in general and performing successfully in school.

Some others just sprang to mind to discuss in the future:

#tipsforlearning #school #makingclasseasier #hashcat4 #hashcat5 #mattanaw.original #mattanaw@mattanaw.original

Preface: The medium sized mermaid.

Sunday, October 9th, 2022

Squishy Mons and the Little Mermaid of the Pirates.











I like squishy woman “muffs” but apparently some men carve them from wood for frequent worship (for looking at it).

From a cool bar in Utah I was at last year, or earlier this year. Too much travels, hard to recall.

@mattanaw @mattanaw.everywhere @mattanaw.travels

#utah #countrybar #bars #littlemermaid #mermaids #mediumsizedones #squishymonspubis #squishymuffs #femalesquishyparts

Saturday, September 3rd, 2022

Sunshining in Summerlin, In Boston Soon.



Hanging out at home number two in Summerlin, Las Vegas, really having a good time. Lots of walking in the sunshine. Pondering if I’ll go to Hawaii this year, or not, since the weather has been so enjoyable here. I miss the swimming but Sharks have me concerned and I have not resolved the shark dodging issue that humanity has not yet worked on, despite many deaths.

Have to be in Boston to hang at Hahvud in a couple weeks, and may be there a bit, to enjoy the libraries and facilities, but right after probably I’ll be back here.

I’m not touring around like my usual. Mostly sticking to the same area but doing the Hotel and AirBnB lifestyle, in the same vicinity.

While I like to live well I’m not really wanting to be wasteful, and have been thinking of accommodations in Boston, doing the same thing. Not as cost effective. If anyone has anything to suggest, I’d appreciate it, for staying in Boston. I’d have to be somewhat close to Cambridge square. Marriott prices are much higher than they were, so I’m not staying, and AirBnB has much fewer options. If anyone has a strategy I don’t know, would be cool to learn.

@mattanaw @mattanaw.everywhere @mattanaw.travels

#summerlin #lasvegas #vegas #usa #southwest #dry #summer #bostonsoon #harvard #studies #research #academia

Preface: My First Visit to a New Spot in Utah: Cedar Breaks.

Saturday, May 7th, 2022

Cedar Breaks National Monument, Utah

Driving through a Utah, wanting to avoid returning to the same parks I already visited, I found a new place to see:

Cedar Breaks National Monument.

In early May it still wasn’t the best time, perhaps, to see all that it could offer, because it was still in deep snow; but that deep snow provided a view I had not seen of the canyons.

Cedar Breaks provides canyon views that resemble canyons of other Parks in Utah, except this park is not an extremely arid location looking homogeneously desert like. Instead, it is forested, up in the mountains. Approaching the overlooks from territory that is not canyon-like at all, with no oranges or reds anywhere, canyons suddenly appear in stark contrast.

Each time I visited the other parks of Utah, like Bryce Canyon, Zion, and others, it was during the summer. This was my first time seeing snow on the spires and upper surfaces of the canyons that I admire before in professional photos of the other parks of Utah.

Uploaded using Starlink from the Pryor Mountains in Southern Montana.

@mattanaw @mattanaw.everywhere @mattanaw.travels

#cedarbreaks #cedarbreaksnationalmonument #cedarbreaksnationalmonumentutah #southwestutah #utahparks #trekbacktoalaska #utah #alaska #southwest #parktours #nationalparks

Preface: Hanging out at random national monuments. Some are quite spectacular, and really do compare well to national parks. One thing I really found interesting about this place was the surveillance installed for border patrol. One would not notice initially, that here there is an already installed digital border wall.

Tuesday, May 3rd, 2022

Coronado National Monument, I

Coronado National Monument, I

Cool spot in New Mexico, near the Mexican border.

There appears to be surveillance cameras installed, which would indicate that there are plans, or were plans, that were better than, or prior to, a border wall.

@mattanaw @mattanaw.everywhere @mattanaw.travels

#nationalmonument #borderwall #border #coronadonationalmonument #nationalmonuments #parksunexpected #beautifullocation #morethannationalparks #somuchtosee

Sunday, April 10nd, 2022

Testing my Starlink at the Arizona National Forest.

Was happy to find my data for download well over 300 MBPS and

for upload well over 200 MBPS.

It’s somewhat a big moment actually for me, and for the industry.

Only now do I have reliable, high quality, satellite communication that is mobile.

Some existed before, that was very expensive, and very low quality.

But now it’s reliable, high quality, and really better than any internet I’ve had so far judging by the connection.

So now I have a mostly rock-solid remote office setup.

Starlink does not work everywhere yet but it appears it will work everywhere. I’m having no trouble at all in Arizona, and getting this thing working here at the Arizona National Forest only took 1 minute and 45 seconds.

I don’t yet have it mounted on my van but I will.

My current setup for remote comm is as follows:

Really, before having the starlink, it was not really possible to have a reasonable totally remote setup.

Quite impressed with the effort of Mr. Musk’s company.

It is not an insignificant advancement. Huge an maybe somewhat unnoticed.

@mattanaw @mattanaw.everywhere

#satcom #starlink #satellite #remotework #remoteliving #semiretired #arizona #southwest #arizonanationalforest #remotecommunication #mobilesatellitecommunication

Wednesday, March 16th, 2022

La Purisima and Los Becerros, Mexico, Baja California



















Some photos from my ruturn trip through Baja California, up through La Purisima and Los Becerros.

Travel is discouraged in this area by having very poorly developed roadways.

In some locations I was driving no more than 1 mph, up and down steep hills, where there were deep pot holes and protruding rocks making it risky to the tires and the underside to drive any faster.

My van has only stock equipment at the moment but performed surprisingly well. Even the ground clearance was adequate with driving strategically and slowly.

The towns here get very little traffic. They seem very early 1900s or 1800s. People were very calm in town and not boisterous at all. It was placid and tranquil. It seemed totally self-sufficient with animals and agriculture, and people rode around on horseback and not only modern vehicle, even in town, for deliberate transportation and not only for show.

In a trip of over a hundred miles off the main road, I only saw two foreign passerbys, and they were both on bicycle, taking long treks apparently as tourists, from outside of Mexico. One appeared American and one appeared American or European.

I would greatly recommend taking a trip through this area with an appropriate 4x4 and perhaps some backup plans, to see this location that really seems to be trying to remain unchanged by outside influences.

@mattanaw @mattanaw.everywhere @mattanaw.travels

#mexico #baja #bajacalifornia #lapurisima #losbecerros #tranquil #seldomvisited #reducedtraffic #overland #backroads #transit #fordtransit #ford #dually4x4 #4x4 #offgrid #travel #exploration

Friday, November 26th, 2021

Cabo San Lucas via Boat





























From two days ago in Cabo San Lucas, out on a boat with my friend and his family!

@mattanaw @mattanaw.everywhere @mattanaw.travels

#cabo #cabosanlucas #mexico #bajasur #business #vacation #vanlife #travel #photography #boats #water #ocean #cliffs #rockformations #scenic #sunshine #beach #laplaya

Monday, November 22nd, 2021

A View of Emerald Lake from the Hamilton Lake Trail in Yoho.

A video of the view from part-way up the Hamilton Lake Trail at Yoho National Park, Alberta, Canada.

It is a long hike to the lake and back. Probably not less than 5 hours roundtrip.

I made it halfway before needing to turn around, and had a 3 hour experience.

The lake appears to be a very high quality destination. I would like to return, but for those who might not be aware, the Canadian Park system is of such high quality, that there are other hikes probably as nice, to spots as remote to create a sense of solitude and seclusion.

@mattanaw @mattanaw.everywhere @mattanaw.travels

#yoho #yohonationalpark #yohonp #canada #nationalparks #parks #natural #scenic #mountains #trees #lakes #turquoise #blue #photography #landscape #hikes #hamiltonlaketrail #moderatetrail #trails

Monday, November 22nd, 2021

Downtown Banff, There and Above.








While on my southward journey I stopped in Canmore and Banff to visit a friend met while living in Kona, Hawaii.

He’s chosen a very nice place to reside, in a beautiful city beside a world class national park.

Also had a good chance to see an old colleague I worked with in New Zealand, who lives in Calgary.

Good times!

@mattanaw @mattanaw.everywhere @mattanaw.travels

#banff #canada #alberta #canadaparks #nationalparks #trees #mountains #restaurants #drinks #downtown #lifts #skilift #views #banffamazing #outdoors #mountains #mountainpeaks #scenic #photgraphy #tourism #journeyfromAKtoCabo #enroutetosouthwest #timewitholdfriends

Monday, November 22nd, 2021

A Spruce Grouse at Yoho National Park


Returning back to the start of the Hamilton Lake trail in Yoho National Park, I spotted a Spruce Grouse on the Trail.

This is a video of our first meeting.

We walked together down the trail, another few minutes. The bird took the lead, before finally moving to the side of the trail, to let me pass.

It appeared she wanted to be together, before she realized she should let me pass by. She wanted a distance of about 5 feet and no less, and would stop to peck at things along the way.

@mattanaw @mattanaw.everywhere @mattanaw.travels

#canada #yoho #yohonationalpark #nationalpark #britishcolumbia #bc #bcparks #canadaparks #mountains #hiking #trails #hikingtrails #withanimals #animals #ornithology #nature #birdvids #birds #birdingbyaccident

Sunday, November 19th, 2021

Recent Drive Through Jasper, Alberta, Canada.












For the next couple weeks I’ll be posting some other sights from this year’s journey south.

This summer, I drove through Jasper in Alberta Canada, once again, but got some interesting sites.

The first few photos are from where I awoke after spending a night just off the park roadway. Soon after, driving southward, I was witnessing the effects of some early light snowfall.

Some of the best moments in the parks is awaking to realize you are actually in the parks.

@mattanaw @mattanaw.everywhere

#jaspernp #canada #drivesouthward #trekfromalaskatocabo #nationalparks #canadianparks #jasper #banff #snow #mountains #scenic #landscape #wintering #snowbird #snowbirding

Friday, November 19th, 2021

Arrived in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico.





Just having some drinks the day after arrival, in downtown Cabo San Lucas, by the beach.

@mattanaw @mattanaw.everywhere @mattanaw.travels

#cabo #mexico #photography #drinks #bar #beachbar #beach #ocean #cabosanlucas #baja #bajasur #travel #overland #vanlife

Friday, November 19th, 2021

Drive to Los Cabos, Baja Sur, Mexico













Last week I decided to extend my wintering journey from Alaska to the Southwest, to include Los Cabos, Mexico.

I drove down with my AWD Dually Ford Transit (AWD with 6 wheels).

Purchased just this May, it already has 17,618 miles on it.

I’m now in San Jose Del Cabo, but these photos were taken en route, just further north, on or near the coast of Baja California.

Some locations reminded me a bit of Sharm el Sheik, on the Sinai Peninsula.

There are spots of desert and blue ocean, with modern-day ruins.

@mattanaw @mattanaw.everywhere @mattanaw.travels

Saturday, October 30th, 2021

Visit to Yoho National Park, BC, Canada


















From my recent visit to Yoho National Park, British Columbia, Canada.

@mattanaw @mattanaw.everywhere @mattanaw.travels @mattanaw.arts

#mattanaw #with #yohonationalpark #canada #nationalparks #parks #canadianparksystem #yoho #banff #jasper #manyothers #spectacularparks #landscape #mountains #photography #photos #scenic