
Wordly Inventions of the Coinage Nature

Author: Christopher Matthew Cavanaugh

Published: April 20th, 2019

Edited: Original Edition

Mastery of a language includes word play; real-time word construction. Words afresh, or conjugates, and other variants.

Once you master your language verbally, you'll find yourself constructing intelligible word variations without having to consult a dictionary. What is the suffix that goes on this or that word? Attempt one and if it is immediately intelligible, you got it right or nearly right. If it feels right enough to hold onto, then you got it completely right.

When it feels right enough it may be the variant that you'd find in the dictionary, but maybe not.

It is not in the norm to use a dictionary at any time.

Be inventive too. Make completely new words to bond with your friends. You will have these words in common as long as you can remember your friends and the words.

Maybe as long as you live.

Use the freedoms that are available to you, and don't let people take them away.

Terms and Conditions

Glossary, Wordly CoinagesTM

Wordly Inventions of the Coinage Nature

Author: Christopher Matthew Cavanaugh

Published: April 20th, 2019

Edited: Original Edition

Mastery of a language includes word play; real-time word construction. Words afresh, or conjugates, and other variants.

Once you master your language verbally, you’ll find yourself constructing intelligible word variations without having to consult a dictionary. What is the suffix that goes on this or that word? Attempt one and if it is immediately intelligible, you got it right or nearly right. If it feels right enough to hold onto, then you got it completely right.

When it feels right enough it may be the variant that you’d find in the dictionary, but maybe not.

It is not in the norm to use a dictionary at any time.

Be inventive too. Make completely new words to bond with your friends. You will have these words in common as long as you can remember your friends and the words.

Maybe as long as you live.

Use the freedoms that are available to you, and don’t let people take them away.

Terms and Conditions



  1. To communicate from the mind with less of a medium between your mind and a recording or recipient, and with greater fidelity of recording (to recording medium or brain). Thinking that is more straight to record without observance or feedback.

Boredsolve, Boredsolved


  1. When you were bored and found a solution, and it was not all that fun, and you did it temporarily, or indefinitely.

“To boredsolve or not to boredsolve, that is the question.”

“You don’t like televised sports THAT much. It’s just boredsolved, admit it”

Coined on Saturday, October 23th 2021

Coined by: MATTANAW, Christopher Matthew Cavanaugh

Snafüd, Snafood

Etymology: from Snafu, meaning a blunder. Food blunders are snafus relating to food. Combined we have Snafüd, or Snafood.

Verb, past:

  1. “You were Snafüd when at 2:00 am you had those extra 3000 calories.”

“Bro, why you gotta put meat in that vegan persons dish. You totally Snafood them.”

“This is a Snafüd that’s worth it. Next time I’ll change.”

The word is very flexible and can be employed how desired.

Coined on Saturday, October 23th 2021

Coined by: MATTANAW, Christopher Matthew Cavanaugh

Scrumpty, Scrumptious.

Etymology: from Scrumptious, meaning tasty or delicious.

Adjectival form and noun forms:

  1. A very good looking person you wouldn’t mind having relations with. Someone who is “Scrumptious”.

“I was driving down the road and saw a chick who was totally scrumptious. She was scrumpty.”

“OMG that guy at the bar was Scrumptyous. He was a Scrumpty.”

Scrumpty is also short for Scrumptyous.

Coined verbally approximatly 6 months before recording here, on Saturday, June 6th 2020

Coined by: MATTANAW, Christopher Matthew Cavanaugh



  1. “Earthnic Cleansing”
  1. Cleaning the earth of pollution, including all chemical pollution, and wrong minds. This is a supplemental process to death, and choosing which lives and biological characteristics to produce. Includes everything on earth, mental and chemical.

Coined on Friday, May 14th 2021

Coined by: MATTANAW, Christopher Matthew Cavanaugh

Falsepath & Truepath


  1. “falsepathed” (alternative to “misdirected” or “red-herringed”)
  1. A mission, journey, or other behavioral direction, that cannot lead to the expected result. It can be short, or life-long.

“I became a born-again and was a tattooed Christian for 20 years before I realized I was falsepathed. Now I’m on a truepath, I think.”

“A huge number of people in History were falsepathed by their elders, parents and conquerors.”

Coined on Monday, Novmber 4th 2019

Coined by: MATTANAW, Christopher Matthew Cavanaugh


pronounced: miscellaneous-d

Verb, past tense.

  1. To become aware of and self-affirm belongingness in the full diversity and expression of sexual orientations, genders, sexual/gender identities, and related variants–particularly those pertaining to the evolution and growth of the LGBTQ movement (LGBTQIA+…).

“The movement includes everyone now. I’ve been miscellaneoused!”

Coined on Tuesday, October 22nd 2019

Coined by: MATTANAW, Christopher Matthew Cavanaugh


pronounced: Koh-loh


  1. To co-locate things that belong together. To put two or more things in the same place.

“Kolo it!”

“Kolo them!”

Coined on Sunday, October 20th 2019

Coined by: MATTANAW, Christopher Matthew Cavanaugh



  1. The process of creating a plural plural form of a word, including an extra “s”, for example, with the intention to show that there is a very large number of items in the set indicated, and not merely enough to make it plural once (i.e. via 2 or several more items and not just one). Often employed with a singular article to emphasize the absurdity of expecting only the singular form of the word.

“It all happened for a reasonss

Coined on Thursday, October 17th 2019

Coined by: MATTANAW, Christopher Matthew Cavanaugh

Speakdream. (spēk’drēm)


  1. A dream that is spoken aloud as it is dreamt. A type of daydream.

Adjectival and verb forms, and others, can inferred by speakers of English. If it feels right or natural enough, it is correct.

Coined on Saturday, May 25th 2019

Coined by: MATTANAW, Christopher Matthew Cavanaugh

Sleepdream. (slēp’drēm)


  1. A variant of dream.

Adjectival and verb forms can inferred by speakers of English. If it feels right or natural enough, it is correct.

Coined on Saturday, May 25th 2019

Coined by: MATTANAW, Christopher Matthew Cavanaugh

Perhaps others have used it. In that case, credits to them. However, this coinage was made independently, and I laud myself for creating the same.

Endoamorph. (ˈendəˌəˈmôrf)


  1. An endomorph who is somewhat amorphous in appearance.

Justification (as if one were needed):

I’ve been an endoamorph, and am an endomorph, so I have permission to coin this.

Coined on Saturday, February 23rd 2019

Coined by: MATTANAW, Christopher Matthew Cavanaugh

Published: Sunday, March 19th, 2019

Originally published: Sunday, March 19th, 2019 on my Thoughtstream:

Is it Really an Analogy?

A friend recently posted an interesting analogy puzzle on Facebook, for which the answer was uncertain, because of a gap in the English language.

This is not unusual. It is very common for us to search for a word that is an antonym of another more familiar word, because we want to apply the same concept, in a converse situation. Whenever there seems to be a word missing for an occasion, an analogy could be formed, such that there would not be a word providing the answer in the language.

Consider this example:


What is the answer?

In my days tutoring, I had a High School student ask me:

What is the opposite of a Utopia?

I asked myself this same question myself, after reading some of Moore’s Utopia, and reflecting on George Orwell’s 1984, and came to the answer after some pause, as is quite characteristic for me, of “Dystopia.”

(Aside: I have an excellent memory but have to fight against similar words to which I’m more primed to respond with, or otherwise have better availability. Everyone experiences tip of the tongue, but this appears to be a quirk that I’m not sure I’ve observed in anyone I met previously. I’m certain others experience the same but I have not encountered anyone who experienced it in quite the same way. Because after some time elapses, the word and quite a bit else becomes completely and rapidly accessible. A large chunk of memory simply isn’t available when first prompted at times. I mention this because it will become relevant in other posts.)



In this case there is an answer. But what if the word “Dystopia” did not exist?

In that case, it is my view, that there probably is not an answer to the analogy, unless one can coin a word that truly fulfills the analogy correctly. By this I mean that it is a true analogy, without ambiguity, such that there is at least one denotation that clearly parallels the denotation of the other (meaning a complete dictionary would have a numbered entry for each word), and not a partial match among denotations, or a partial match among connotations. A word could also be borrowed from another language, which is essentially the same as a coinage, so I don’t see the two as essentially different, since the goal is simply to fill a gap in native language another word that fulfills some criterion of comparison.

However, there are unusual cases where the logic of the words themselves allows for no parallel at all. Such that a word borrowed from another language, or a coinage, does not establish an analogy, because the conditions of successful analogy cannot be established in the way hoped for.

This relates to the analogy that my friend posted. I will not repeat that analogy here for the moment, without his permission, but only mention that it is interesting and involved a probable structural asymmetry, meaning no analogy could be formed, at least in the way indicated, in what could be expressed about our feelings of past events, versus what we imagine about the future.

Compare above and below to confirm markdown is adequate to build the whole

Boredsolve, Boredsolved


  1. When you were bored and found a solution, and it was not all that fun, and you did it temporarily, or indefinitely.

“To boredsolve or not to boredsolve, that is the question.”

“You don’t like televised sports THAT much. It’s just boredsolved, admit it”

Coined on Saturday, October 23th 2021

Coined by: MATTANAW, Christopher Matthew Cavanaugh

Snafüd, Snafood

Etymology: from Snafu, meaning a blunder. Food blunders are snafus relating to food. Combined we have Snafüd, or Snafood.

Verb, past:

  1. “You were Snafüd when at 2:00 am you had those extra 3000 calories.”

“Bro, why you gotta put meat in that vegan persons dish. You totally Snafood them.”

“This is a Snafüd that’s worth it. Next time I’ll change.”

The word is very flexible and can be employed how desired.

Coined on Saturday, October 23th 2021

Coined by: MATTANAW, Christopher Matthew Cavanaugh

Coined: Tuesday, July 20th, 2021

Near-Deather, Neardeather


  1. Someone who is quite old or advanced in age enough to focus on their death more than their oldness. To be used against old ageists and others who fail to progress mindsets.


“Don’t listen to that near-deather, he doesn’t know where or when he is.”

“That neardeather over there is dragging me down.”

“Those near deathers over their are watching their stocks again.”

Coined by: MATTANAW, Christopher Matthew Cavanaugh

Submitted first to Urbandictionary.com

Coined: Tuesday, July 20th, 2021



  1. Older people who control conversations thinking they “know it all” without having any authority or justification like mansplainers.


“I had some rando granny agesplaining today I should find Christ.”

“That asshole agesplained to me for 20 minutes straight”

“Agesplain from afar, near deather!”

Coined by: MATTANAW, Christopher Matthew Cavanaugh

Submitted first to Urbandictionary.com

Coined: Sunday, July 18th, 2021



*pronounced: “Phone”, “Phoned”

  1. Creating a relationship or taking possession of another person with “fuck ownership”, “fuck owning”.


“At first the were just hanging out now it’s fowned”

“He was FOWNed into marriage.”

“We have to recognize that people aren’t really bonded quite as often as they’re fowned. End fowning!”

Coined by: MATTANAW, Christopher Matthew Cavanaugh

Unique denotation and indpendentently coined on Urbandictionary.com

Scrumpty, Scrumptious.

Etymology: from Scrumptious, meaning tasty or delicious.

Adjectival form and noun forms:

  1. A very good looking person you wouldn't mind having relations with. Someone who is "Scrumptious".

"I was driving down the road and saw a chick who was totally scrumptious. She was scrumpty."

"OMG that guy at the bar was Scrumptyous. He was a Scrumpty."

Scrumpty is also short for Scrumptyous.

Coined verbally approximatly 6 months before recording here, on Saturday, June 6th 2020

Coined by: MATTANAW, Christopher Matthew Cavanaugh



  1. “Earthnic Cleansing”
  1. Cleaning the earth of pollution, including all chemical pollution, and wrong minds. This is a supplemental process to death, and choosing which lives and biological characteristics to produce. Includes everything on earth, mental and chemical.

Coined on Friday, May 14th 2021

Coined by: MATTANAW, Christopher Matthew Cavanaugh

Falsepath & Truepath


v. "falsepathed" (alternative to "misdirected" or "red-herringed")

  1. A mission, journey, or other behavioral direction, that cannot lead to the expected result. It can be short, or life-long.

"I became a born-again and was a tattooed Christian for 20 years before I realized I was falsepathed. Now I'm on a truepath, I think."

"A huge number of people in History were falsepathed by their elders, parents and conquerors."

Coined on Monday, Novmber 4th 2019

Coined by: MATTANAW, Christopher Matthew Cavanaugh


pronounced: miscellaneous-d

Verb, past tense.

  1. To become aware of and self-affirm belongingness in the full diversity and expression of sexual orientations, genders, sexual/gender identities, and related variants--particularly those pertaining to the evolution and growth of the LGBTQ movement (LGBTQIA+...).

"The movement includes everyone now. I've been miscellaneoused!"

Coined on Tuesday, October 22nd 2019

Coined by: MATTANAW, Christopher Matthew Cavanaugh


pronounced: Koh-loh


  1. To co-locate things that belong together. To put two or more things in the same place.

"Kolo it!"

"Kolo them!"

Coined on Sunday, October 20th 2019

Coined by: MATTANAW, Christopher Matthew Cavanaugh



  1. The process of creating a plural plural form of a word, including an extra "s", for example, with the intention to show that there is a very large number of items in the set indicated, and not merely enough to make it plural once (i.e. via 2 or several more items and not just one). Often employed with a singular article to emphasize the absurdity of expecting only the singular form of the word.

"It all happened for a reasonss"

Coined on Thursday, October 17th 2019

Coined by: MATTANAW, Christopher Matthew Cavanaugh

Speakdream. (spēk'drēm)


  1. A dream that is spoken aloud as it is dreamt. A type of daydream.

Adjectival and verb forms, and others, can inferred by speakers of English. If it feels right or natural enough, it is correct.

Coined on Saturday, May 25th 2019

Coined by: MATTANAW, Christopher Matthew Cavanaugh

Sleepdream. (slēp'drēm)


  1. A variant of dream.

Adjectival and verb forms can inferred by speakers of English. If it feels right or natural enough, it is correct.

Coined on Saturday, May 25th 2019

Coined by: MATTANAW, Christopher Matthew Cavanaugh

Perhaps others have used it. In that case, credits to them. However, this coinage was made independently, and I laud myself for creating the same.

Endoamorph. (ˈendəˌəˈmôrf)


  1. An endomorph who is somewhat amorphous in appearance.

Justification (as if one were needed):

I've been an endoamorph, and am an endomorph, so I have permission to coin this.

Coined on Saturday, February 23rd 2019

Coined by: MATTANAW, Christopher Matthew Cavanaugh

Published: Sunday, March 19th, 2019

Originally published: Sunday, March 19th, 2019 on my Thoughtstream:

Is it Really an Analogy?

A friend recently posted an interesting analogy puzzle on Facebook, for which the answer was uncertain, because of a gap in the English language.

This is not unusual. It is very common for us to search for a word that is an antonym of another more familiar word, because we want to apply the same concept, in a converse situation. Whenever there seems to be a word missing for an occasion, an analogy could be formed, such that there would not be a word providing the answer in the language.

Consider this example:


What is the answer?

In my days tutoring, I had a High School student ask me:

What is the opposite of a Utopia?

I asked myself this same question myself, after reading some of Moore's Utopia, and reflecting on George Orwell's 1984, and came to the answer after some pause, as is quite characteristic for me, of "Dystopia."

(Aside: I have an excellent memory but have to fight against similar words to which I'm more primed to respond with, or otherwise have better availability. Everyone experiences tip of the tongue, but this appears to be a quirk that I'm not sure I've observed in anyone I met previously. I'm certain others experience the same but I have not encountered anyone who experienced it in quite the same way. Because after some time elapses, the word and quite a bit else becomes completely and rapidly accessible. A large chunk of memory simply isn't available when first prompted at times. I mention this because it will become relevant in other posts.)



In this case there is an answer. But what if the word "Dystopia" did not exist?

In that case, it is my view, that there probably is not an answer to the analogy, unless one can coin a word that truly fulfills the analogy correctly. By this I mean that it is a true analogy, without ambiguity, such that there is at least one denotation that clearly parallels the denotation of the other (meaning a complete dictionary would have a numbered entry for each word), and not a partial match among denotations, or a partial match among connotations. A word could also be borrowed from another language, which is essentially the same as a coinage, so I don't see the two as essentially different, since the goal is simply to fill a gap in native language another word that fulfills some criterion of comparison.

However, there are unusual cases where the logic of the words themselves allows for no parallel at all. Such that a word borrowed from another language, or a coinage, does not establish an analogy, because the conditions of successful analogy cannot be established in the way hoped for.

This relates to the analogy that my friend posted. I will not repeat that analogy here for the moment, without his permission, but only mention that it is interesting and involved a probable structural asymmetry, meaning no analogy could be formed, at least in the way indicated, in what could be expressed about our feelings of past events, versus what we imagine about the future.